1. Blog Politeknik METrO Betong

1. Blog Politeknik METrO Betong

blog-pmb : Politeknik METrO Betong - Google Blog Search

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 09:52 PM PST

blog-pmb : Politeknik METrO Betong - Google Blog Search

1. Blog <b>Politeknik METrO Betong</b> - Blog Politeknik Malaysia

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:13 PM PST

BETONG: Good teamwork between the civil service, political leaders and the people has contributed to the rapid development of Betong Division, said Assistant Minister of Welfare Robert Lawson Chuat.

Equally important, he said, is the trust of the people in the area towards the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

"In Betong, we are very fortunate to have a good team of dedicated civil servants and our visionary political leaders who can work together.

"And another very important factor is the people's trust in the BN government, who have been very supportive of the government's programmes," he said on Thursday during a dinner for the media attending a briefing on the Betong Division's development transformation.

"Ever since BN represented Betong, it was the beginning of a very effective implementation of government programmes."

The Bukit Saban assemblyman noted that rural parents now realised the importance of education and were sending their children to school.

He echoed Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu's view that education should be an integral component of the division's development programme.

"Education will become the key of our long-term planning because it is only through education that we can transform the lives of the people in the long-term," he explained.

The new Politeknik Metro School at Betong New Township, which will start operations in 2013, and the community college, he said, reflected this focus on education.

Lawson pointed out that other development areas like infrastructure and agriculture projects would not be neglected.

"Uniting the people under the BN umbrella is also one aspect that we will continue to carry out," he said.

BN political leaders in the area, he added, had clearly proven their critics wrong.

He said such critics had complained when the government began oil palm and rubber plantations 15 years ago, but the people were now enjoying better standards of living because of the two commodities.

Among those present were Betong Resident Datu Romie Sigan Daniel, Deputy Resident Pathi Kerni, District Officer Friday Belik, a political secretary to the Chief Minister Isik Utau, political secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dr Richard Rapu and state information senior assistant director (media) Samuel Simon.

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1. Blog <b>Politeknik METrO Betong</b> - Blog Politeknik Malaysia

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 11:03 PM PST

CEMERLANG: Penerima-penerima Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang merakamkan kenangan pada Majlis Konvokesyen Kolej Komuniti Wilayah Sarawak Ke-8 di Kuching, semalam

KUCHING: Pengambilan pertama pelajar bagi Politeknik Metro di Betong akan dibuat pada tahun depan.

Bagaimanapun, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pengajian Kolej Komuniti, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Amir Md Noor berkata, kemasukan pelajar dijangka pada tahun 2014.

"Tahun depan, kita (Politeknik Metro) akan mula beroperasi dengan pengambilan pelajar dari seluruh Malaysia," katanya kepada pemberita di sini, semalam.

Beliau ditemui sempena Majlis Konvokesyen Kolej Komuniti Wilayah Sarawak Ke-8, yang disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang.

Menurut Amir, Politeknik Metro yang pertama di Sara-wak itu masih dalam pembinaan dan dijangka siap se0penuhnya menjelang tahun depan.

Sementara itu, Amir ber-kata, pihaknya juga dalam  usaha untuk memenuhi ke-perluan tenaga kerja di Koridor Tenaga Diperbaharui Sarawak (SCORE).

"Sekarang di Sarawak, memang kita menjalankan latihan di dalam 12 bidang NKEA termasuk pelancongan, minyak dan gas.

"Malah, pelajar di Kolej Komuniti Sarawak juga telah terpilih untuk dilatih di 12 syarikat berasingan. Ada juga yang akan dibawa ke Semenanjung untuk dilatih, misalnya dalam sektor pelancongan.

"Jadi, mereka akan menjadi pemandu pelancong di semua kawasan pelancongan di Sarawak dan mendapat gaji yang lumayan," katanya.

Selain itu, Amir berkata, Kolej Komuniti juga memperluas penerimaan, peranan serta fungsi utamanya terhadap masyarakat dengan memberi fokus kepada pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, keusahawanan, pengukuhan graduan, program 'reskilling dan upskilling' bagi pekerja syarikat dan menyediakan latihan bahasa Inggeris kepada bakal penuntut universiti.

"Ini adalah peranan kita… selain mengupayakan masyarakat, kita juga membantu mendekatkan rakyat dengan kerajaan," katanya.

Sementara itu, Jabu dalam ucapannya menyuarakan harapan agar para graduan Kolej Komuniti akan menyumbang secara efektif kepada kejayaan pelaksanaan SCORE.

"Menjelang 2015, SCORE dijangka akan membuka sebanyak 290,880 peluang pekerjaan yang akan meningkat kepada 662,065 pada tahun 2020," katanya.

- UB

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