Eager Environmental - Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah - Blog Politeknik - Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah

Eager Environmental - Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah - Blog Politeknik - Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah

Eager Environmental - Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah - Blog Politeknik - Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 09:54 PM PST

Eager Environmental - <b>Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah</b> - Blog Politeknik - Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah

Eager Environmental - <b>Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah</b> - Blog Politeknik

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 09:43 PM PST


Me everyday..

Dapat update blog setelah hampir seminggu aku tinggalkan blog tercinta nie . Bukan sengaja tapi busy sangat ! Duapuluhlimaharibulannovemberduaributigabelas aku dah daftarkan diri aku di Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah , Sabak Bernam , Selangor . Jauuuhhhh pedalaman gitu !

Masa on the way ke politeknik nie , aku macam tak percaya . Dalam hati aku meronta-ronta nak balik ! Taknak stay dekat tempat yang entah apa-apa nie . Tapi tetap kawal perasaan tu . Aku tahu ayah dah bersusah payah nak hantar aku pergi belajar nie .

Punyalaa susah nak sampai ke politeknik nie . Jalan pun macam err --' Masa tu jugak aku nak waktu nie berhenti berjalan . Bila masuk je pagar politeknik , aku tahu aku bakal ditinggalkan seorang diri demi sebuah kehidupan yang lebih baik .

Siap je daftarkan diri aku , aku ambil kunci bilik terus ke hostel . Masuk bilik tu , ada empat buah katil . Yang lain dah terisi cuma katil aku je kosong . Aku terus letak barang aku tapi tak kemas sebab tak sempat . Semangat langsung tak ada . Ayah ajak pergi makan dekat luar . Aku ikut je walaupun aku langsung tak ada selera .

Aku ambil nasi sikit je . Aku memang sebak time makan tu tapi aku terus kuatkan semangat aku . Bila siap makan , ayah terus ke politeknik semula . My family hantar sampai ke blok aku . Fasi dah tunggu aku . Masa tu dah nak pukul 2.00petang . Kenapa waktu nie cepat sangat berlalu ? :'(

Tetiba ayah cakap dia nak bertolak ke rumah Kak Ida dekat Puchong . Aku macam terkejut ! Aku rasa nak je berlari ke bilik untuk ambil barang aku dan ikut family aku balik . Hmm hmm :'( Aku pergi dekat mama , aku salam dengan mama . Aku peluk mama kuat-kuat dan cium mama . Aku tahu mama nangis ! :'( Lepas tu , aku pergi dekat ayah . Aku salam dengan ayah . Aku peluk ayah dan cium ayah banyak kali . Lama aku peluk ayah ! Aku dengar dan nampak ayah nangis :'( Tersentuh teramat sangat ! Aku tak pernah nampak ayah nangis . Tapi hari tu aku nampak ayah nangis teresak-esak . Nak lepaskan pelukan ayah sangatlaa susah sebab aku manja dengan ayah :'( Aku bersalam dengan Kak Ida . Lama Kak Ida peluk dan cium aku . Dia bisikkan nasihat dekat telinga aku . Bila cium Avvina , Kak Ida terus cium pipi aku dan peluk aku :'(

Aku nak lepaskan family aku balik memang susah . Fasi yang tengok aku nangis tu , dorang senyum je . Aku terus tengok family aku sehingga dorang hilang daripada pandangan mata aku . Bila aku teringat parents aku menangis , Kak ida pun menangis tu , airmata aku akan menitis tanpa henti . Really miss them :'(

Semalam buat video call dengan mama , aku menangis ! Selama aku dekat sini , hari kedua baru aku mesej mama . Then , masa dekat cafe tadi baru aku call mama selepas sekian lama dekat sini . Bukan aku lupa tapi aku taknak nangis .

Now aku dah demam , sakit kepala , batuk dan selsema . Bukan homesick tapi hari kedua orientasi aku terkena hujan . Terus aku dapat penyakit :'( Roomates dah paksa-paksa aku makan ubat . Nasib baik aku ada bawa bekalan ubat yang banyak . Huhuhu ..

Guys , trust me . Masa aku taip entry nie , aku tak henti-henti nangis :'( Aku ingatkan ayah dan mama dekat rumah . Apa khabar laa dorang sekarang nie . Rindukan masakan mama yang super hebat ! Last aku makan nasi putih , masa dengan family . Lepas tu aku tak makan nasi putih sampai laa tengahari tadi . Aku just makan maggi , biskut , nasi goreng and etc macam tu je . Tak ada selera :'(

EH : Esok nak pergi pantai dengan classmates . Nak jogging sambil kenal tempat baru nie :) By the way , doakan aku cepat sembuh keyh :)

Xoxo ,

Eyqa Hasnan

Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca . Tinggalkan comments sebagai tanda ingatan anda :)

Eager Environmental - <b>Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah</b> - Blog Politeknik <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 01:48 AM PST


Published: Wednesday December 4, 2013 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Wednesday December 4, 2013 MYT 11:31:00 AM

Astute judges: Goh (fourth from left) and Nippon Paint Malaysia head of marketing Alex Yoong (right) with the panel of judges. At left is Interior Design category chief judge, YJA Interiors managing director Anura Hashim.

Astute judges: Goh (fourth from left) and Nippon Paint Malaysia head of marketing Alex Yoong (right) with the panel of judges. At left is Interior Design category chief judge, YJA Interiors managing director Anura Hashim.

Abdullah Mustaffar Razali and Heah Chee Shean, both 22, recently won the Gold and Best Colour Choice award in their respective competition categories at the 2013 Nippon Paint Young Designer Award (NPYDA).
Abdullah, who won the Architecture category's top title, transformed a single-function futsal court into a multiple-use "Kuantan Youth Centre".
He introduced canopies on his building design to harvest rainwater as well as green-coloured walls to reduce building temperature and induce better air filtration.
"It is not just a conducive environment for the younger community, it is a place that incorporates functionality with ecological features," explained the Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah student.
Champions: Abdullah Mustaffar (left) and Heah presented the best concept and design in this year's NPYDA.

Champions: Abdullah Mustaffar (left) and Heah with their trophies.

Heah, from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, won the Interior Design category's coveted award for her colourful "Flamboyant Pier Play School".
Reinterpreting tradition, she played around with basic industrial containers, arranging them in a cluster that allows ventilation, wind flow and natural sunlight.
"My design is made from simple green ideas, but it is cost-effective and easy to construct. Most importantly, safety is key since it is meant for pre-schoolers," said Heah.
This year's competition theme, "Re:Think. Re:Create", challenged students to dig deep into what they perceive to be functional site development.
"Current landscape trends demand design concepts that are developed in response to current issues such as sustainability, community and health," said Nippon Paint Malaysia Sdn Bhd group general manager Gladys Goh.
Interior design category gold: Heah's Flamboyant Pier Play School

Unique:Heah's Flamboyant 'Pier Play School' won the Interior Design Category gold.

"Re:Think.Re:Create wasn't just a colour competition. It works on the platform that recognises green factors, efficient use of space, and purpose, which is what students need to learn now as they are the ones who build the future."
The architecture category's Silver Award went to Wan Mei Zhen from UCSI University for "Cultural Centre of KL", honorary mention to UCSI's Tan Kwon Chong for "Helio Health Centre" and Zheng Xing from Linton College for "KLCC" while the Best Green Innovation award also went to Tan.
The interior design category's Silver Award was presented to Lee Jian Ru from KBU International College for "The Den Library & Art Centre", honorary mention went to Malaysian Institute of Art's Lum Choom Sam and KBU's Foh Vui Siang.
Foh also received the Best Green Innovation title.
The gold winners received RM3,000, a trophy, certificate and a learning trip to Japan under the coaching of Super Potato's Takashi Sugimoto and Sadao Tsuchiya of Muji fame.

by:  Green designs that shine - Community | The Star Online

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