<b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b></b> wins Perodua Eco Challenge 2013 - Politeknik Ungku Omar

<b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b></b> wins Perodua Eco Challenge 2013 - Politeknik Ungku Omar

<b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b></b> wins Perodua Eco Challenge 2013 - Politeknik Ungku Omar

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 09:07 AM PST

<b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b></b> wins Perodua Eco Challenge 2013 - Politeknik Ungku Omar

<b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b></b> wins Perodua Eco Challenge 2013

Posted: 28 Dec 2013 10:13 AM PST


Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO) was crowned overall champion at the Perodua Eco Challenge 2013, which happened last weekend at the Shah Alam go-kart circuit. The Ipoh institution, winners in 2011 and 2012, scored the most points out of the nine categories contested in the annual competition.

The polytechnic's redesigned Myvi managed to travel a distance of 52.38 km on 2.5 litres of Petronas Primax 95 fuel (20.95 km/l). They also came up tops in the "Best Presenter" and "Styling" challenges.

"We congratulate PUO for their impressive performance today and to all the institutions of higher learning that participated in our biggest corporate responsibility programme," Perodua president and CEO, Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said.

Launched in 2009, the Perodua Eco-Challenge was introduced with the aim of exposing students from local institutions of higher learning to a real-world working environment. In this edition, a total of nine institutions were selected to redesign a Perodua Myvi within a six-month timeframe.


They are PUO, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM).

The categories contested in this year's PEC were "Longest Distance", "Time Attack", "Marketing Challenge", "Overall Winner", "Best Booth" and new categories such as "Styling", "Best TVC" and "Best Presenter". Two categories – "Best Booth" and the "Best TV Commercial Award" – went to UNITEN. Congrats to all winners!

Perodua spent a total of RM131,200 in prizes for PEC 2013, which is endorsed and supported by the Ministry of Education. Overall, Perodua has used some RM6 million for the programme since 2009, making PEC its largest annual corporate responsibility activity.

permohonan kemasukan program sarjana muda pentadbiran <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 09:08 PM PST


Politeknik Ungku Omar dengan kerjasama Universiti Teknologi MARA mempelawa calon-calon lulusan Diploma Pemasaran / Pengajian Perniagaan Politeknik KPM untuk mengikuti program Sarjana Muda Pentadbiran Perniagaan Dengan Kepujian (Pemasaran). 

Syarat kemasukan seperti berikut:

1. Warganegara Malaysia berstatus Bumiputera.
2. Lulusan Diploma Pemasaran atau Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan dengan memperolehi minimum HPNM 3.00.
3. Lulus SPM/ setaraf dengan LIMA (5) kepujian dalam mata pelajaran termasuk:
i. BM
ii. BI
iii. Matematik /Matematik Tambahan
4. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1) dalam MUET.

- Permohonan boleh dibuat dengan membeli Nombor Unik ID Kategori B berharga RM 15.60 di semua cawangan BSN di seluruh negara.
- Borang permohonan akan dibuka secara atas talian (online) diwww.politeknik.edu.my mulai 16 Disember 2013 jam 12.00 tengah hari.
- Pemohon perlu mencetak dan menghantar Slip Permohonan Kemasukan berserta dokumen-dokumen berkaitan ke Jabatan Hal Ehwal
Pelajar, Politeknik Ungku Omar.
- Tarikh tutup permohonan secara online pada 19 Januari 2014.
- Permohonan akan diproses sekiranya dokumen lengkap diterima oleh Politeknik Ungku Omar sebelum atau pada 24 Januari 2014.

Iklan kemasukan boleh disemak di:
http://www.politeknik.edu.my/ portalbpp/iklan_bba.pdf

Gila Kereta: Politeknik Ungku Omar wins Perodua Eco Challenge ... - Politeknik Ungku Omar

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 09:34 AM PST

Gila Kereta: <b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b> wins Perodua Eco Challenge <b>...</b> - Politeknik Ungku Omar

Gila Kereta: <b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b> wins Perodua Eco Challenge <b>...</b>

Posted: 16 Dec 2013 10:18 PM PST


Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO) was crowned overall champion at the Perodua Eco Challenge 2013, which happened last weekend at the Shah Alam go-kart circuit. The Ipoh institution, winners in 2011 and 2012, scored the most points out of the nine categories contested in the annual competition.

The polytechnic's redesigned Myvi managed to travel a distance of 52.38 km on 2.5 litres of Petronas Primax 95 fuel (20.95 km/l). They also came up tops in the "Best Presenter" and "Styling" challenges.

"We congratulate PUO for their impressive performance today and to all the institutions of higher learning that participated in our biggest corporate responsibility programme," Perodua president and CEO, Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said.

Launched in 2009, the Perodua Eco-Challenge was introduced with the aim of exposing students from local institutions of higher learning to a real-world working environment. In this edition, a total of nine institutions were selected to redesign a Perodua Myvi within a six-month timeframe.


They are PUO, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM).

The categories contested in this year's PEC were "Longest Distance", "Time Attack", "Marketing Challenge", "Overall Winner", "Best Booth" and new categories such as "Styling", "Best TVC" and "Best Presenter". Two categories – "Best Booth" and the "Best TV Commercial Award" – went to UNITEN. Congrats to all winners!

Perodua spent a total of RM131,200 in prizes for PEC 2013, which is endorsed and supported by the Ministry of Education. Overall, Perodua has used some RM6 million for the programme since 2009, making PEC its largest annual corporate responsibility activity.

The post Politeknik Ungku Omar wins Perodua Eco Challenge 2013 – 20.95 km/l in a redesigned Myvi appeared first on Paul Tan's Automotive News.

via Paul Tan's Automotive News http://paultan.org/2013/12/17/politeknik-ungku-omar-wins-perodua-eco-challenge-2013/

DKM1A Jun 2013: Rumah Baru - Blog <b><b>Politeknik Ungku Omar</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 16 Dec 2013 09:35 AM PST

Assalammualaikum Semua...

Harap2 Anda Semua Bertenang Dulu Ye,Jangan Marah2 Tau...

Disini Saya Ambil Kesempatan Sempena Aidilfitri Ini Ingin"Memohon Kemaafan Sekiranya Terdapat Salah Dan Silap Sepanjangkan  Pembabitan Saya Sbgai Blogger,Saya Juga Insan Biasa Yang Mempunyai Kelemahan,Mungkin Saya Sudah Terlalu Lama Tidak Mengupadate Blog Disbbkan Masalah Yang Tidak Dapat Diatasi,Insyaallah Entri Yang Byk2 Coming Soon Ye"....Wah2,ayat kome...hehehe...Entri Sini Juga Tak Lari Drpd Tajuk Utama Ye..Dah Dekat 2Bulan,Saya Melanjutkan Pelajaran Dkt Cni...Dn Dah 2Bulan 3Hari Saya Meninggalkan Aktiviti Mengupdate2 Blog Ni...Dah Berhabok Sgt2 Ni,Sampai Kabur Dri Pandangan Namun Dekat D'Hati...Hahaha...

Alhamdulillah,Sepanjangkan Saya Melanjutkan Pelajaran Dkt Cni Saya Dapat 1 Pengalaman Yang Baru Pelbagai Dugaan,Dan Cabaran Yang Mencabar Sgt....Kot...Hehehe...

Mungkin Ada Diantara Kita Yang Teringin Melanjutkan Pelajaran D'tmpt2 Yg Jauh Drpd Family,Kn Kn...Tapi Saya  Pun Dikira Begitu Jugak,Tpi Lepas 2 Hari Tarikh Pendaftaran....Dah Mula Drama2 Sedih,Menangis Dlm Bilik,Dlm Bilik Air,Time Mkn,Time Tdo....Nasib Baik,Dpt Tinggal Dkt Kamsis,Jadi Lebih Senang Ke Kampus...1 Bilik Ad 2 Org,So Benda Ni Pun Mencabar Saya Jugak...Suasana Yg Asing Bagi Diri Saya,Pulak Tu Ddk Bilik Dgn Org Yg Tak Kenal...Hmmm...Mmg Tak Terkata,Membisu Je Laa....Saya Pun Terpaksa Berpisah Dgn Kembo Saya Demi Pelajaran,Asyik Ingat Dia Je...Dia Adalah Sebahagian Saya,Dan Saya Sebahagian Dia....Then,Time Subuh2 Tu Nk Mandi,Time Tu Jugak Air Mata Berlinangan...Sob..Sob...Sob...Sampai Merah2 Mata,Time Tu Jugak Nk Menagis2+Air Sejuk Pulak Tu,Almaklum Laa Subuh2 Kn...First Berjauhan Dgn Family,Mmg Sedih Sesangat-Sangat...Mmg Asyik SMS Je Dgn Mak,Tak Pun Dgn Kembo...Lagi Satu,Group Sesi JUN 2013 Ni,D'katakn SemuaNya Pandai2 Belaka.,5A ke atas....Saya Dpt 3A Je,Maybe Rezeki Saya,Utk Belajar Dkt PUO...Kos Saya Diploma Retail Management,Tp Jgn Ingat Belajar Ni Sbb Nk Bukak Kedai Runcit Mcm Kedai Mak Jemah Ke,Kedai Kelas!!Kau Maria Ea...1 Kelas 37 Org,SemuaNya Dtg Dri Timur-Selatan....Seronok dpt Berkenalan Dgn Sahabat2 Baru...Tp Sorg Pun Tak Ad Yg Dri Putrajaya,Sedihnya...Dah Tu,Cuti Raya Seminggu,bertambah Byk Lagi Kisah2 Yg Menarik Hasil Penerbitan Saya...Jadi Kena Tunggu Tau...

P/S:"SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa MaaF ZaHiR BaTiN,Mkn Lemang Tu Jgn Byk2 Tau,Hulur2 Ckit Dkt Cni....

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