ft uny sepakati kerjasama dengan politeknik ibrahim sultan, malaysia - Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan

ft uny sepakati kerjasama dengan politeknik ibrahim sultan, malaysia - Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan

ft uny sepakati kerjasama dengan politeknik ibrahim sultan, malaysia - Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 07:15 AM PDT

ft uny sepakati kerjasama dengan <b>politeknik ibrahim sultan</b>, malaysia - Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan

ft uny sepakati kerjasama dengan <b>politeknik ibrahim sultan</b>, malaysia

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 11:32 PM PDT

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FT UNY) sepakat untuk bekerja sama dengan Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (PIS) yang tertuang dalam penandatanganan nota kesepahaman oleh Dekan FT UNY, Dr. Moch Bruri Triyono dengan Director PIS, Datuk Dr. Arshad Bin Kassim, di Johor Malaysia, Sabtu (12/04/2014). Kerjasama ini dititikberatkan pada bidang pendidikan demi mengembangkan kualitas pembelajaran kedua institusi. "Beberapa agenda telah kami sepakati di antaranya pertukaran mahasiswa dan tenaga pengajar serta pertukaran pengalaman ataupun informasi perihal pengambangan kurikulum dan metodologi pembelajaran," ungkap Dekan FT UNY saat ditemui Tim Humas Fakultas.

Sementara itu, Director PIS, Datuk Dr. Arshad Bin Kassim berharap agar program-program kerja sama tersebut dapat segera dilaksanakan, salah satunya tentang fashion dan kebudayaan. "Semoga dapat tercipta sinergi dalam pengembangan desain busana serta pengkajian tentang budaya tradisional antara kedua negara ini, sehingga kita sebagai lembaga pendidikan mampu memberikan pengertian tentang busana dan budaya asli kepada para kaula muda baik di Indonesia maupun Malaysia," ungkap  Datuk Dr. Arshad Bin Kassim.

"Bila saling pengertian tersebut dapat terbina dengan baik, tentunya akan berimbas positif pada hubungan berbangsa dan bernegara Inonesia-Malaysia," harapnya.

Kerja sama ini bermula dari diskusi antara Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Boga dan Busana FT UNY, Noor Fitrihana, M.Eng. dengan salah satu dosen PIS saat keduanya sama-sama mengikuti program pelatihan di Cina dua tahun yang lalu. "Kemudian pihak PIS mengawali dengan keikutsertaan pada Pagelaran Busana yang diadakan Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Busana tahun lalu," cerita Dekan FT UNY.

"Dari sana kemudian pihak PIS dan FT UNY tertarik untuk melakukan kerja sama secara lebih luas dan terstruktur seperti yang tertuang dalam nota kesepahaman tersebut," ucap Dr. Bruri Triyono.

Dekan FT UNY menambahkan salah satu kelebihan yang perlu dicontoh dari Politeknik yang terletak di Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia ini adalah kedekatannya dengan pihak industri. "Pihak PIS memiliki kedekatan yang sangat baik dengan dunia industri di negaranya (Malaysia), sehingga Tugas Akhir maupun inovasi-inovasi yang diciptakan para mahasiswa selalu bermanfaat untuk pengembangan sektor industri karena memang cocok dengan kebutuhan area tersebut," beber Dekan FT UNY.

"Dengan pengertian yang baik dengan pihak industri, akhrinya sektor tersebut juga terus mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran di PIS sebagai contoh bahan praktik dari mahasiswa fashion design merupakan topangan dari salah satu pabrik garmen di Malaysia," ungkapnya.

"Kerjasama ini juga membuka peluang Praktik Industri mahasiswa FT UNY di Malaysia untuk meningkatan pengalaman dana wawasan internasional," tutupnya. (hryo)

<b>Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan</b> | All Manufactured Homes

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 07:09 PM PST

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (also known as Ibrahim Sultan Polytechnic or PIS) is one of the polytechnics in Malaysia (the ninth institution established).[6] The polytechnic specializes in technical studies, with separate departments for the engineering divisions such as mechanical and electrical engineering. It also has departments for design and visual communications, tourism and hospitality, mathematics, science and computer, and general studies.

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan is set in Pasir Gudang, only of the southern city Iskandar Malaysia, inside the south of Peninsular Malaysia.

The chief point out of unrestricted higher teaching institutions prior to the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (PIS) was Politeknik Johor Bahru (PJB). Politeknik Johor Bahru modified its name to Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan subsequent to the point out of Sultan of Johor (in Malay expression since Sultan Dan Yang Dipertuan Bagi Negeri Dan Jajahan Takluk Johor Darul Ta'zim). The state amend officially conveyed location on December 15, 2011.[8] Council Testimony Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan was executed by His Majesty the Sultan Ibrahim Ismail ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Iskandar, teenager of the late Sultan Iskandar of Johor at the Multipurpose Hall of Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan.

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan has been discerned given that lone of three Premier Polytechnic by the Ministry of Higher Lessons Malaysia on 25 February 2010 at the Putrajaya International Discussions Necessary (PICC), which was officiated by Deputy Tastefulne Minister of Malaysia Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Two varying polytechnics is moreover pointed out are Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO)[9] plus Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA).[10][11]

Fame since Premier Polytechnic is intrinsic prior Malaysia Polytechnic University was usual 2015.[1]

THREE polytechnic noticed because the premier polytechnic which is Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (PIS),[12] Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO),[9] furthermore Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA)[10][11] are given freedom to alter the 30 fraction of the discovering modules , absolutely inside the issue (niche area) resolute in each path.[2]

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan bequeaths various courses in the Really unique Acumen Certificate, Diploma, Continued Diploma, and (estimated to be presenting degree programs "Hands-On" at the most modern by the once a year 2013 furthermore peculiar post-graduate time table at the spell approaching soon) .

In demands to furnish continuous routes , Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan will generate contact along furthermore John Moores University furthermore put into effect twinning programs as well as Taylor's University as Hospitality schedule articulated by Toulouse University inside France (in practice session since initiating route of Bachelor Degree in Hotel & Catering Management presently which is anticipated in 2013-2015).

University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia has been confer Bachelor Degree programs because engineering along with engineering technology programs for Malaysian Polytechnics Diploma holder. Exemption of credit of up to 10 academic courses also realistic courses for polytechnic diploma awarded looking on the conversation road because bachelor's degree diary at USQ.

USQ Program significant to the polytechnic diploma also measure exemption admitted may perhaps be referred to a letter take pleasure in the USQ dated March 3, 2012 for the reason that extra figures.[13]

Lately, international students moreover experience the prospect to probe at the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (at the hottest by the once a year 2015).

The indivisible areas presented by the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan is Engineering (Mechanical & Electrical), Hotel & Catering Management, Fashion Plot, Tourism Management also Plot (Graphics & Industry).[16]

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan supplied full-time also part-time plan mode .

Poly Boutique[17] is a type improved by Malaysia Polytechnic Entrepreneurship Centre or more proficient acknowledged as the abbreviation since MPEC. The first incubator of Poly Boutique is situated at the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan. It was undertaken together between craft & apparel plan students as well as entrepreneurship confederacy. The variety was set out by Linda Onn.

Poly Cuisine[18] or previously identified for the reason that Dapur Kampus ... Bersama Poly Nutrition is a tv notify (culinary travelog) made by Peculiarity of Polytechnic Training in support as well as KiraWang Sdn. Bhd. that highlights polytechnic graduate knack as well as aptitude expressions of savvy, modernization and entrepreneurship .

5 polytechnics which yield courses Hotel along with Catering strong point has been required the achievement of this budget includes Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Pasir Gudang, Johor, Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Arau, Perlis, Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, Sabak Bernam, Selangor, Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka with Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah.

Ended this plan, the polytechnic graduates could establish prowess plus know how practice of really unique formulae distinctly local convention.

Commencing January 6, 2013, Karl Shafek will product a really extraordinary approach for the reason that the host . This budget will troth aired every Sunday at 12.30 pm on RTM 1.

Observed given that a "Smart Home".[19] The location is Flat Taman Cendana, Pasir Gudang, Johor. It is a partnership advanced by Marbleplan Attribute Sdn Bhd. along with helped by the Ministry of Higher Teaching Malaysia.

Done this agenda, the university will give slots by 20 proportion to polytechnic graduate students . Apart delight in that , the transfer of credit as polytechnic students will in addition troth several simplified . This will offer occurrences as students to prefer added brand of related courses .[24]

Pesta Konvokesyen ke-17 <b><b>Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan</b></b>

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 07:51 AM PDT

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (also known as Ibrahim Sultan Polytechnic or PIS) is one of the polytechnics in Malaysia (the ninth institution established).[6] The polytechnic specializes in technical studies, with separate departments for the engineering divisions such as mechanical and electrical engineering. It also has departments for design and visual communications, tourism and hospitality, mathematics, science and computer, and general studies.

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan is set in Pasir Gudang, only of the southern city Iskandar Malaysia, inside the south of Peninsular Malaysia.

The chief point out of unrestricted higher teaching institutions prior to the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (PIS) was Politeknik Johor Bahru (PJB). Politeknik Johor Bahru modified its name to Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan subsequent to the point out of Sultan of Johor (in Malay expression since Sultan Dan Yang Dipertuan Bagi Negeri Dan Jajahan Takluk Johor Darul Ta'zim). The state amend officially conveyed location on December 15, 2011.[8] Council Testimony Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan was executed by His Majesty the Sultan Ibrahim Ismail ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Iskandar, teenager of the late Sultan Iskandar of Johor at the Multipurpose Hall of Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan.

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan has been discerned given that lone of three Premier Polytechnic by the Ministry of Higher Lessons Malaysia on 25 February 2010 at the Putrajaya International Discussions Necessary (PICC), which was officiated by Deputy Tastefulne Minister of Malaysia Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Two varying polytechnics is moreover pointed out are Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO)[9] plus Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA).[10][11]

Fame since Premier Polytechnic is intrinsic prior Malaysia Polytechnic University was usual 2015.[1]

THREE polytechnic noticed because the premier polytechnic which is Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (PIS),[12] Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO),[9] furthermore Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA)[10][11] are given freedom to alter the 30 fraction of the discovering modules , absolutely inside the issue (niche area) resolute in each path.[2]

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan bequeaths various courses in the Really unique Acumen Certificate, Diploma, Continued Diploma, and (estimated to be presenting degree programs "Hands-On" at the most modern by the once a year 2013 furthermore peculiar post-graduate time table at the spell approaching soon) .

In demands to furnish continuous routes , Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan will generate contact along furthermore John Moores University furthermore put into effect twinning programs as well as Taylor's University as Hospitality schedule articulated by Toulouse University inside France (in practice session since initiating route of Bachelor Degree in Hotel & Catering Management presently which is anticipated in 2013-2015).

University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia has been confer Bachelor Degree programs because engineering along with engineering technology programs for Malaysian Polytechnics Diploma holder. Exemption of credit of up to 10 academic courses also realistic courses for polytechnic diploma awarded looking on the conversation road because bachelor's degree diary at USQ.

USQ Program significant to the polytechnic diploma also measure exemption admitted may perhaps be referred to a letter take pleasure in the USQ dated March 3, 2012 for the reason that extra figures.[13]

Lately, international students moreover experience the prospect to probe at the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (at the hottest by the once a year 2015).

The indivisible areas presented by the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan is Engineering (Mechanical & Electrical), Hotel & Catering Management, Fashion Plot, Tourism Management also Plot (Graphics & Industry).[16]

Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan supplied full-time also part-time plan mode .

Poly Boutique[17] is a type improved by Malaysia Polytechnic Entrepreneurship Centre or more proficient acknowledged as the abbreviation since MPEC. The first incubator of Poly Boutique is situated at the Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan. It was undertaken together between craft & apparel plan students as well as entrepreneurship confederacy. The variety was set out by Linda Onn.

Poly Cuisine[18] or previously identified for the reason that Dapur Kampus ... Bersama Poly Nutrition is a tv notify (culinary travelog) made by Peculiarity of Polytechnic Training in support as well as KiraWang Sdn. Bhd. that highlights polytechnic graduate knack as well as aptitude expressions of savvy, modernization and entrepreneurship .

5 polytechnics which yield courses Hotel along with Catering strong point has been required the achievement of this budget includes Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Pasir Gudang, Johor, Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Arau, Perlis, Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, Sabak Bernam, Selangor, Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka with Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah.

Ended this plan, the polytechnic graduates could establish prowess plus know how practice of really unique formulae distinctly local convention.

Commencing January 6, 2013, Karl Shafek will product a really extraordinary approach for the reason that the host . This budget will troth aired every Sunday at 12.30 pm on RTM 1.

Observed given that a "Smart Home".[19] The location is Flat Taman Cendana, Pasir Gudang, Johor. It is a partnership advanced by Marbleplan Attribute Sdn Bhd. along with helped by the Ministry of Higher Teaching Malaysia.

Done this agenda, the university will give slots by 20 proportion to polytechnic graduate students . Apart delight in that , the transfer of credit as polytechnic students will in addition troth several simplified . This will offer occurrences as students to prefer added brand of related courses .[24]

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