LAWATAN AKADEMIK KE MATRADE - Portal Rasmi Politeknik Melaka

LAWATAN AKADEMIK KE MATRADE - Portal Rasmi Politeknik Melaka

LAWATAN AKADEMIK KE MATRADE - Portal Rasmi Politeknik Melaka

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 01:38 AM PST

LAWATAN AKADEMIK KE MATRADE - Portal Rasmi Politeknik Melaka


Posted: 05 Feb 2015 06:39 PM PST

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Posted: 05 Feb 2015 06:23 PM PST

29th January , Multi Purpose Hall, PMK – The English Drama competition was carried out to help students improve their level of confidence, training in speech and to polish their communicative skills. A total of  9 groups consisting of Semester 1 and 4 students from Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Commerce Department took part in the competition. Each group consisted of 4-8 students with a total of 60 students were actively involved in the the drama. Students were given simplified synopsis of 6 Shakespearean stories and were required to create an 8-10 minute drama based on the given theme.

Pn. Marina Abu Bakar from General Studies Department, Pn. Khairani Yaakub from Mathematics, Science Computer Department; and Pn Nur Alwani Abdul Latif from Civil Engineering Department; were the invited judges. Students were required to submit their script to the judges. Marks were awarded based on language, interesting storyline, creative use of props and overall effort.


The competition showed students' ability to be a team player, as well as, the skill to write a creative drama. Moreover, simple but appropriate props and costumes were used, and majority of the actors and actresses had good voice projection.  In addition, audience feedback and response were very encouraging. Potential public speakers and ELS facilitators were also identified.


It is hoped that the drama competition had enlightened students and shown that using the English language can be fun. It is also hoped that the more proficient students can develop their creativity by writing the script and producing it while the less proficient students can be involved by memorizing lines, hence enhancing pronunciation and confidence. The activity was successfully carried out and it is hoped that it will be carried out again next semester for the coming semester 1 students.

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