Mukah Polytechnic (Politeknik Mukah) | Sarawak Convention Bureau - Politeknik Mukah Sarawak

Mukah Polytechnic (Politeknik Mukah) | Sarawak Convention Bureau - Politeknik Mukah Sarawak

Mukah Polytechnic (Politeknik Mukah) | Sarawak Convention Bureau - Politeknik Mukah Sarawak

Posted: 01 Sep 2015 04:23 PM PDT

<b>Mukah</b> Polytechnic (<b>Politeknik Mukah</b>) | <b>Sarawak</b> Convention Bureau - Politeknik Mukah Sarawak

<b>Mukah</b> Polytechnic (<b>Politeknik Mukah</b>) | <b>Sarawak</b> Convention Bureau

Posted: 09 Jul 2015 01:51 AM PDT

Sarawak Mukah Polytechnic (PMU) located in Mukah which is the central region of Sarawak. The polytechnic is 20th in Malaysia, the PMU is the third polytechnic in Kuching Sarawak Borneo after Polytechnic and Polytechnic Kota Kinabalu.PMU campus built on the site of 100 acres and is equipped with modern infrastructure and latest educational facilities.

PMU began operating in the first Technical School in 2004. Sibu first intake is in session in July 2005 with a pilot courses such as Information Technology Certificate, Certificate of Civil Engineering and Business Studies Certificate. Increased course offerings a year later at the Diploma level courses are offered by all five major academic departments. Five major academic departments are;

  • Department of Information and Communication Technology (JTMK)
  • Department of Civil Engineering (JKA)
  • Department of Electrical Engineering (JKE)
  • Mechanical Engineering Department (SWD)
  • Department of Commerce (JP)

Supply module / general subjects, science and mathematics is offered by the Department of General Studies (JPA) and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (JMSK).

In addition to full-time courses, PMU also offers short courses open to the public and local communities under the program Sector Privatization Time (Time Sector Privatisation – TSP). The program promotes lifelong learning among local communities. Through this program, it is hoped that the establishment of the PMU in Mukah can help local communities upgrade their knowledge, skills, competencies or acquire knowledge / new skills.

Company information

Company Name: Mukah Polytechnic (Politeknik Mukah)
Business Type: Business Directory
Address: KM 7.5, Jalan Oya
96400 Mukah Sarawak
Telephone: +6084-874005

Contact Person (Sales)

Title: Mr
First name: Kang
Middle name: Chia
Last name: Yang
Designation: Lecturer
Handphone: +6012-4359716

Polnep Visited <b>Politeknik Mukah Sarawak</b> (PMU) - International Office

Posted: 16 Sep 2012 11:09 PM PDT

On 4- 7 September 2012, Polnep's director together with the heads of all departments in Polnep came to visit Politeknik Mukah Sarawak with some agendas.

The first agenda was to  attend Politeknik Mukah Sarawak's 5th  convocation.  In the ceremony which was also attended by the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Yang Amat Berhormat  Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, PMU conferred certificates and diplomas on about 600 candidates who have completed their courses of study in PMU.  About another 400 students would have the same ceremony on next day.

In addition to attending the convocation, Polnep also conducted in so called comparative study, in return to PMU's visit to Polnep, by visiting the departments in PMU to see the facilities, compare each other's teaching programs and seek the opportunities for inter-department mutual cooperation. Some lecturers also came into some classes as guest lecturers to share knowledge and  information with PMU's students.

On the last day of the visit, an official meeting was held between Polnep and PMU to talk about the implementation of MoU that has previously signed by the two parties. In the meeting, it was decided that the two Polytechnics agreed to do students exchange by sending 10 up to 12 students to each other. The parties also made a serious commitment to conduct joint research which will be preceded by  a colloquium to presents research paper to each other and discuss any new idea of research.

Polnep signed MoU with <b>Politeknik Mukah Sarawak</b>

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 10:09 PM PDT

As its attempt to gain its vision and to internationally allow massive knowledge transfer, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak (polnep) seeks to have mutual cooperation with overseas universities and colleges. For that purpose, on 29 May 2012, Polnep and Politeknik Mukah Sarawak (PMU) agreed to enter into a cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The signing ceremony was held at Polnep's rectorate building, Pontianak. It was conducted by the Director of Polnep, Mahyus, S.Pd, SE, MM along with his counterpart , Deputy Director of PMU, Abdubrani Bin Yunus.

 The MoU states the two parties' agreement in doing academic and Research cooperation which covers Student Exchange, Academic Staff Exchange, Joint Research Program, Strategic Staff Partner Program, Joint Venture Entrepreneurship Program and Polytechnic and Higher Education Platform Sources to Indonesia. The two parties agree to ensure the  implementation of the MoU in five years starting from the date of signing.

<b>Politeknik Mukah Sarawak</b> (PMU) Came to Polnep

Posted: 15 May 2014 01:24 AM PDT

PMU delegation of 26 people came to Polnep on 13 – 15 Mei 2014. The delegation was lead by the Director Abdubrani Bin Yunus to conduct collaborative activities with Polnep. The director of Polnep , Mahyus, warmly welcomed the delegation and highly appreciated their coming as the implementation of  signed MoU between the two Polytechnics. During the visit, PMU and Polnep

Rajang Port Authority: Students Visit - <b>Politeknik Mukah Sarawak</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 22 Jun 2014 11:41 PM PDT

We are a riverine port at the heart of the longest river in Sarawak, the Rajang River. Comprising of 4 centres of operations, Sibu Port is the principal port and convergence centre for agglomeration of goods for the central region of Sarawak, providing the vital link of the feeder route to the major ports in Malaysia as well as a port of call for ships from various parts of the world.

Kemahiran teknikal penting untuk SCORE - The Borneo Post Online

Posted: 22 Aug 2015 09:58 AM PDT

Generasi muda harus diperkasa dalam bidang pendidikan dan latihan teknikal: KM

MUKAH: Generasi muda negeri ini harus diperlengkapkan dan dberi penekanan serius dengan kemahiran teknikal dalam usaha memacu perindustrian melalui pelaksanaan Koridor Tenaga Diperbaharui Sarawak (SCORE).

Ketua Menteri Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem berkata, sejajar dengan usaha kerajaan negeri menubuhkan Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Bumiputera Sarawak (TEGAS) iaitu inisiatif memperkasa anak-anak Bumiputera dalam bidang pendidikan dan latihan teknikal.

"TEGAS menyasarkan 90 peratus jumlah penyertaan anak-anak tempatan dalam bidang pendidikan teknikal dan vokasional menjelang tahun 2020.

"Sehubungan itu, pelbagai program dijalankan termasuk TEGAS bersama Sekolah, Komuniti, Belia dan sebagainya bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran masyarakat khususnya generasi muda dan ibu bapa mengenai pendidikan teknikal," katanya dalam teks ucapan dibacakan Timbalan Ketua Menteri Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang

sempena Majlis Konvokesyen Politeknik Mukah Kelapan di sini semalam.

Adenan menegaskan, masyarakat harus mengubah persepsi mereka mengenai pendidikan teknikal kerana kolar biru juga mampu memberi pendapatan lumayan.

"Peningkatan produktiviti dan daya saing di negara ini memerlukan tenaga kerja kreatif, berdisiplin, berinovasi, berintegriti, mahir dan berpengetahuan.

"Justeru itu, kita mahu graduan berusaha mempelbagaikan kemahiran seperti meningkatkan kemahiran komunikasi, ICT dan sebagainya agar dapat membantu mereka dalam dunia pekerjaan," ujar beliau.

Sementara itu, Pengarah Politeknik Mukah Lt Kolonel Bersekutu (PA) Abdubranu Yunus berkata keseluruhan graduan terdiri lulusan Diploma menamatkan pengajian pada sesi Disember 2013 dan Jun 2014.

Mereka terdiri lulusan bidang Kejuruteraan Awam, Elektrik, Mekanikal, Perdagangan dan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Maklumat.

Katanya, pada sesi pendaftaran Ambilan Jun 2015 lalu, Politeknik Mukah melakar sejarah baharu dengan peningkatan jumlah pelajar baharu yang mendaftar lebih 800 orang.

"Ini membuktikan usaha mempromosikan Politeknik Mukah kepada umum serta peningkatan kesedaran dan keyakinan pelajar kepada sistem pengajian Politeknik selain diiktiraf setaraf dengan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam lain di Malaysia.

"Bagi meningkatkan kebolehpasaran siswazah dan menjana modal insan berinovatif memenuhu keperluan industri, Politeknik Mukah menjalinkan lebih lapan hubungan kolabrasi atau jaringan kerjasama dengan beberapa syarikat swasta atau industri selain institusi pengajian tinggi swasta di Sarawak dan Indonesia," katanya.

Antaranya Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu (BDA), HERE Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Bank Rakyat Cawangan Mukah, Press Metal Sarawak, Curtin Universiti Miri, Universiti College Of Technology Sarawak, Sunway College, Kuching dan Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Indonesia (POLNEP).

"Program Kolaborasi itu merupakan peluang mendapatkan ilmu dan kepakaran daripada syarikat-syarikat swasta atau industri dan institusi pengajian tinggi bagi meningkatkan prestasi dan penguasaan pelajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris, peluang pekerjaan dan melaksanakan kursus kemahiran jangka pendek serta pembangunan kerjaya pelajar Politeknik Mukah," katanya.

Turut hadir Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik Shabudin Man, Timbalan Pengarah Akademik Politeknik Mukah Ahmad Masduki Selamat, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Balingian, Yussibnosh Balo dan wakil Residen Bahagian Mukah, Muhammad Amirul Abdullah.

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