Market Survey Visit to Politeknik Seberang Perai (PSP) | Kenkyuu - Politeknik Seberang Perai

Market Survey Visit to Politeknik Seberang Perai (PSP) | Kenkyuu - Politeknik Seberang Perai

Market Survey Visit to Politeknik Seberang Perai (PSP) | Kenkyuu - Politeknik Seberang Perai

Posted: 01 Dec 2014 11:12 AM PST

Market Survey Visit to <b>Politeknik Seberang Perai</b> (PSP) | Kenkyuu - Politeknik Seberang Perai

Market Survey Visit to <b>Politeknik Seberang Perai</b> (PSP) | Kenkyuu

Posted: 16 Nov 2014 11:02 PM PST

On 5th November 2014, Innovative System and Instrumentation (ISI) Research Team once again had organised a market survey visit but this time to Politeknik Seberang Perai (PSP), Pulau Pinang. As usual, the visit was led by Dr. Elmi Bin Abu Bakar with his students, Muhammad Faisal Bin Mahmod and Ahmad Raiminor Bin Ramzi. The intention of the visit is to introduce the ISI-PROTO ONE to the lecturers. On that day, ISI team arrived at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Seberang Perai about 2.30 pm. The visit was welcomed by Tuan Haji Mutalib, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department and others lecturers from the same department.

The presentation was clearly done by Muhammad Faisal and Ahmad Raiminor. The lecturers were introduced with the features and also the potential of the product. The session proceeded with the discussion by Dr. Elmi at the end of the visit. There were several things discussed including the application of the ISI-PROTO ONE at politeknik, improvement of the product and also grant matching. Some of the lecturers had expressed their interest to contribute to this research in term of development and also publication. Overall, the visit has open an opportunity for both side for future cooperation in research.

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Majlis Konvokesyen <b>Politeknik Seberang Perai</b> yang ke - Hatie <b>...</b>

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 01:42 PM PST

Assalamualaikum ^^

ini cerita hari ahad yang lepas 14 September 2014. adik aku finally berjaya menggengam segulung Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (Pembuatan) di Politeknik Seberang Perai. teringat pulak konvokesyen aku yang 3 tahun lepas. time flies so fast lahh. rasa macam baru aku naik pentas ambil segulung ijazah. kali ni tengok adik aku pulak lah naik pentas ambil segulung diploma. Alhamdulillah

selalu kalau dia balik rumah weekend kan, mulalah dia membebel. dia cakap penat lah, subjek susah lah. tapi, at last, habis jugak study dia yang 3 tahun tu. berbaloi atas penat lelah selama ni kan. aku otak sains. dia otak kejuruteraan. mana ngam. memang aku tak boleh nak menolong sangat lah dengan assignment dia. boleh tolong kacau je la. maaf ye. hahaha! 

before majlis bermula.
di balik tabir gerai bunga bungaan.
sesi bergambar.
tengah keramaian lah nak bergambar pon.
aku terkesima dengan teddy bear gergasi belakang tu.
after 3 years, dapat jugak pegang lagi bunga macam ni.

" congrates dear on your convocation day. always remember that, wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. good luck for the future. we are always beside you in every situation. "

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